TWB welcomed 8 new industrial partners
During the meeting of its Strategic Steering Committee (SSC) on 9 & 10 March, 2017, TWB welcomed the 8 new industrial partners who joined the consortium on 1 January of the year: AB7 Industries, BGene, BIOASTER, Heurisko , Micropep Technologies, Naturamole, Servier, Syngulon.
The accession of many start-ups shows the interest of TWB, bringing a significant help and acceleration to the development of these young companies.
The TWB consortium is also continuing its diversification with the reception of a major pharmaceutical group.

From left to right:
Jean-Claude Lumaret: Vice-president SSC (Carbios) / Paul Colonna: President SSC (INRA) / René Chelles: AB7 Industries / Marie-Gabrielle Jouan: BGene / Alain Troesch: BIOASTER / Simon Trancart: Heurisko / Thomas Laurent: MicroPep technologies / Guillaume Lepage: Naturamole / Françoise Gellibert: Servier / Philippe Gabant: Syngulon / Nicolas Seeboth: Vice-president SSC (Michelin) / Pierre Monsan: TWB Founding Director
The consortium is now composed of 53 private and public partners (11 large companies, 10 small and medium companies, 16 very small companies, 7 investors and valorisation structures, 9 public partners). The companies operate in different fields: Agro-industry / Chemicals (materials and products) / Equipment / Biotechnology solutions / Flavors and Cosmetics / Energy and Pharmacy.
During the SSC meeting, the partners chose the research projects (pre-competitive projects) which will be self-financed by TWB in 2017. 4 projects were selected among the 12 submitted following the call for projects. The objective of these research projects is to generate technological innovations which could be economically attractive.
The 2018 call for projects was also prepared during the SSC days and brainstorming workshops bringing together industrials and researchers from public laboratories were organised. Topics of interest were highlighted.
On its 5th anniversary, TWB is pleased to see the unfailing commitment of its private and public partners who are conscious of being directly involved in the building-up of a rare experience at the public / private interface.
The projects continue to be numerous and promising in 2017…