TWB involved in a bioeconomy master degree
In September 2021, the international BioTechEco Master’s degree, integrated into the BioEco Graduate School, welcomed its first class on the INSA Toulouse campus. This 2-year master’s degree trains students with a multidisciplinary education in English combining life sciences, bioprocesses, sustainable development, economics and ethics. In particular, during the second year, students follow the “Entrepreneurial skills and leadership” learning module developed by TWB. The ambition of this module is to train students with all the key tools to become a successful entrepreneur and successfully set up a start-up.

BioEco graduate school: what’s about?
BioEco Graduate School – Biotechnology for a Biobased Economy, combines Life Sciences, Bioprocess Engineering, and Economic and Environmental Sciences in France with the ambition to promote the development of biotechnologies for a bio-based economy and to actively participate in the creation of tomorrow’s jobs. The programme offers a multidisciplinary 5-year course (from the BioTechEco Master’s degree to the doctorate) co-accredited by INSA Toulouse and Toulouse INP, as well as Summer Schools and an international scientific competition. The courses taught in English enable students who wish to act in favour of a sustainable, bio-sourced and circular economy to acquire a unique expertise to meet the societal and environmental challenges of today and tomorrow.
BioEco brings together 30 partners composed of higher education institutions in biology, processes, social sciences and national research centers, doctoral schools, research laboratories and international universities.
The “entrepreneurship” module
The third semester of the BioTechEco Master’s programme, “Industrial biotechnology for a Bio-Based Economy”, combines courses in biology, process engineering, project management, economics and environmental regulations and bioethics. This semester includes the “Entrepreneurial skills and leadership” module which was set up and delivered by TWB.
The module aims to achieve one objective: to provide students with a theoretical and practical understanding of how an entrepreneur should seize an opportunity and then assess the feasibility and viability of a project. To achieve this, the module consists of twenty hours of lectures in the form of testimonials and practical exercises, given by experienced professionals: CEO / CSO of start-ups, investors, lawyers, intellectual property advisors, incubators, professionals from the industrial biotechnology sector.