TWB Annual report 2019

With 9.8 M€ of industrial contracts signed and 8.4 M€ of turnover, TWB presents a outstanding 2019 annual report. Other highlights include the completion of 53 R&D projects, including 39 new ones, the launch of major collaborative industrial projects and the hosting of a sixth start-up.

TWB records a significant increase in its workforce compared to 2018 (+35%). 82 employees work for TWB (+20% compared to 2018), which also welcomes 40 people (+100% compared to 2018) from start-ups hosted at its premises. These figures reflect a very sustained activity in 2019.

As a reminder, 5 new partners joined the TWB consortium on January 1st, 2019: BioC3, Green Spot Technologies, iMEAN, m2p-labs, Veg’Extra. More information here.

Other noteworthy achievements:

  • major collaborative industrial projects, in particular with the launch of the BioImpulse project brought by Resicare/Michelin and Colornat brought by Sensient;
  • European funding of the IBISBA collaborative project – Industrial Biotechnology Innovation and Synthetic Biology Accelerator (European network of biotechnology research infrastructures) coordinated by INRAE;
  • the hosting of a sixth start-up located in the TWB premises: BioC3, which is developing a unique technique for the microbial synthesis of dihydroxyacetone phosphate (DHAP) and consequently other derivative molecules;
  • the perpetuation of TWB START-UP DAY, which the second edition took place in February 2019.

The year 2019 also stands out as the culmination of the highly successful first phase of the life and growth of TWB, led by its founder Pierre Monsan from 2011 to the end of 2018 and today by Olivier Rolland. As proof of the success of the model, TWB has far exceeded its contractual commitment to the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), under the PIA (Programme d’Investissement d’Avenir). At the end of 2019, TWB totalled €39 million in industrial contracts, almost doubling the initial target sum.

Further proof of the effectiveness and potential of TWB is the fact that it has obtained supplementary state funding of €7 million (running costs) for 2020-2025. An endowment that reflects the State support and confidence in TWB.  More information here.

Ambition: to become the European leader in industrial biotechnology

2019 was an exceptional year, the fruit of the work of the TWB teams, the unfailing support of our supervisory bodies and all our partners since 2011. These results have provided TWB with the means to roll out the roadmap of the new phase of development and structure for 2020-2025. However, because of the impact of the global crisis resulting from the pandemic that we are currently experiencing, we will review and adjust our plans. Today, beside the ambition of becoming the leader in European industrial biotechnologies, TWB hopes to quickly bring local solutions, thanks to the applications of biotech, to help face this crisis and ensuing economic consequences.” concludes Olivier Rolland Executive Director of TWB.

Communiqué de presse