
TWB, service analytique

Review of 10 years of activity

12 December 2022

TWB celebrates its tenth anniversary this year. Since its creation in 2012, TWB has conducted 285 R&D projects, brought together 51 key biotech players around a consortium supporting innovation and invested €8.1m in 41 pre-competitive projects led by external laboratories to promote breakthrough innovation. With an estimated increase in turnover of 10% (compared to 2021),… Read more »

Équipe toulousaine du projet DAISY

iGEM 2022 : TWB supports Toulouse team

29 September 2022

TWB supports the DAISY project, driven by a team of students from INSA Toulouse and the University Paul Sabatier, which will be presented at iGem 2022 – Grand Jamboree : an international contest of synthetic biology, which will take place at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles. The students will present a new method of allergies… Read more »

Engineering yeast for mRNA production: TWB is partner of the european project Yscript

4 May 2022

Launched in April 2022, the Yscript project aims to develop a tailor-made yeast-based messenger RNA (mRNA) factory platform for large-scale and cost-effective manufacturing of mRNA therapeutics. Selected by the European Union as part of Horizon Europe, the Yscript consortium brings together eight partners from 5 countries: CNRS, TWB INRAE (France); UAVR, UBI (Portugal); TRON gGmbH,… Read more »

New integrated offers with processium and syngulon

28 April 2022

TWB expands its range of services by joining forces with Processium and Syngulon. With these two new integrated offers, TWB optimizes the support of projects led by hosted startups and those led in partnership with actors of the industry. The technical and economic studies carried out by Processium allow to validate the viability of a… Read more »

TWB Annual Report 2021

17 March 2022

TWB has exceeded its pre-health crisis performance with a turnover of €9.1 million for 2021, compared with €7.3 million in 2020 and €8.4 million in 2019. The TWB consortium welcomed 6 new members, including 4 start-ups: Aviwell, BioEB, Dynveo and Lantana Bio; and 2 major groups: Clarins and Lesaffre. In 2021 turnover reached €9.1m, of… Read more »

6th European Chemistry Partnering

6 January 2022

TWB is a partner of the 6th edition of European Chemistry Partnering (ECP) which will take place digitally on February 16 – 18, 2022. TWB is convinced that interdisciplinary exchanges foster innovation. Across disciplines, the entire industry is invited to exchange ideas and receive impulses for more innovations. The focus of the 6th ECP will… Read more »


16 November 2021

The Elixio project defended by the iGEM Toulouse INSA-UPS 2021 team won the prestigious international iGEM competition. This exceptional result allows a French team to reach the top step of the podium for the first time in the Undergraduate category. Toulouse INSA-UPS 2021 team, for of six students from INSA Toulouse and the University Toulouse… Read more »

Aviwell, new start-up hosted by TWB

14 October 2021

The start-up Aviwell, widely known for its disruptive scientific strategy as well as its biotechnology solution to produce “foie naturellement gras” (no force-feeding) and which is about to expand its focus to other farm animals, has moved into TWB new premises and joined its consortium. The company plans to leverage its proprietary artificial intelligence (“AI”)… Read more »


8 October 2021

Interview given by Oliver Rolland, Managing Director of TWB, in the frame of EFIB (Europe’s Leading Event on Industrial Biotechnology and the Bioeconomy), 6 & 7 October 2021, Vienna (Austria) What is the current status of industry interest in using synthetic biology or other metabolic engineering technologies for industrial applications? This is actually the right… Read more »

Lantana Bio joins TWB

30 August 2021

TWB is hosting a new start-up:  Lantana Bio. The start-up also joined the TWB consortium in July, bringing the total number of its members to 54. Lantana Bio is an early stage, white biotech company based in the south of Alsace, France. Today, it has chosen to relocate all of its R&D activities to TWB in order to… Read more »