
With 344 research and development projects to its credit by the end of 2023 and a cumulative total (2012-2023) of €61 million in industrial contracts signed, TWB has demonstrated the effectiveness and attractiveness of its operating methods and associated research teams. Its achievements speak for themselves.
R&D projects have generated patents, several of which are currently being developed. By the end of 2023, 22 patent families had been filed.
Two public research projects have led to the creation of two start-ups.
At the beginning of 2024, TWB was hosting 6 start-up companies (Aviwell, BioC3, iMEAN, Lantana Bio, PILI, Premier Tech Life Science).
Finally, TWB’s dynamism is linked to that of its consortium. Since 2012, the number of industrial partners has more than doubled. On 1 January 2024, the consortium will have a total of 45 members, including 30 private partners.