Technical resources
TWB believes in combining scientific excellence and state-of-the-art methodologies to create the “missing link” in the innovation process.
TWB hosts a device based on an integrated system of technical services equipped with leading edge materials to ensure a continuum between technological research and industrial development. Environmental and ethical issues of R&D projects are a key concern for TWB, so two support platforms on these themes complete the device.
The platforms are available to researchers and technical staff involved in TWB R&D projects. Services are also offered on these platforms.
Here : presentation of the main technological equipment (pictures & comments in French)
Cutting edge microbial strain engineering
Consisting of a robot fleet and high throughput equipment to automate a number of key steps, the service is dedicated to projects involving genetic and metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.
The analytical service is used to perform most routine tests, to ensure separation and characterization of different biomolecules, and offers access to special advanced techniques (mass-spectrometry, NMR) through collaborations.
With a set of bioreactors from 50mL to 300L, this platform is designed to analyze and optimize the conversion of carbon-based raw materials using enzymatic and microbial processes (pure strains or consortia).
*The FastStrain and Ionscan platforms was financed by the European Union (FEDER Program).