7 M€ for 2020 – 2025
TWB has received an award of €7 million from the French State to wards operational costs spanning the next five years, thus securing the continuation of activity in the industrial biotechnology sector. This grant exemplifies TWB as a model of excellence in France, which, by bringing together and working hand in hand with public and private players, is resolutely committed to meeting the challenges of climate change.

In 2011, TWB was set up and received initial funding through the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) under the call for proposals of projects for the Future Investment Programme (PIA1) “Health and Biotechnology – Pre-industrial Demonstrators” launched by the French State. Thanks to this grant, (20€ million, of which €10 million was for the operational period 2011-2019) the organisation got underway with around thirty public and private partners, under the statutes of a multi-supervisory public structure, INRAE (management body), INSA and CNRS. Today, the TWB international consortium numbers more than 50 members. The shared obejctive of this innovative ecosystem is to accelerate the development of industrial biotechnologies in order to respond to the main societal challenges including the fight against global warning.
Since 2011, €35 million of industrial contracts have been signed and TWB has generated 250 direct and indirect jobs and contributed to the raising of more than €100 million by the start-ups that have been supported. Bolstered by experience and success, TWB wishes to continue its development at a European level in order to face the major societal challenges of the 21st century, such as sustainable nutrition for the planet.
TWB has set its objectives for the coming 5 years:
– to increase value creation through the use of industrial biotechnologies;
– to retain and develop its network of partners, particularly internationally;
– to propose a cutting-edge technological offer integrated on a research continuum within a European vision of distributed infrastructure (IBISBA project);
– to explore high-stake markets for which industrial biotechnologies could provide competitive and “responsible” solutions (agriculture, health, food);
– to train the next generation of biotechnological engineers through its dedicated “TWB Education” cluster.
“We are very happy to have once again obtained State support. This additional funding ensures the continuance of TWB which works for the economic development of industrial biotechnologies. […] We have been given fresh impetus to reinforce our 5 year objective: to become the leader in our field at the European level“, said Olivier Rolland, Executive Director of TWB.